Angelic Healing Hands
A Place To Relax and Renew Your Soul

Services And Rates

Peppermint Oil Scalp Massage 

It may help with dryness, itching, or other scalp problems. The benefits of peppermint essential oil can be described as: antimicrobial. Provides deep relaxation, eases headaches, stimulates the scalp, releases tension, and calms, soothes and enhances your well-being.

Hand and Foot Scrub Massage

With different scented scrubs of your choice such as lavender, grapefruit, eucalyptus and tea tree oil, enjoy nice scrub, enjoy a nice hot towel wrap and then have your hands and feet massaged with a nice cool lotion after.

Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body. Benefits include helping to sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, and may boost immunity.

Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

Warm salt stones are used to soothe away stress and tension. Its grounding properties help to improve sleep and balance the Central Nervous System. Himalayan Salt Stone Massage supports Electromagnetic Overload from electronic devices. Additionally, the stone’s natural salt properties gently exfoliate the skin to promote naturally smooth and silky skin.

Cold Stone Facial Massage

One of the benefits of cold stone massage is that it can provide a deep state of relaxation, a release of tension, as well as, a reduction of swelling and inflammation due to scar tissue, trauma or injuries to muscles. Helps to reduce swelling, headaches, sinus congestion, puffiness etc., or massaging the jaw area for soreness from TMJ.  The benefits of cold stone massage greatly reduces headaches, stress, inflammation, and tension.

Chair Massage

Perfect for a massage when you don't have the time for a full body, or you don't wish to fully undress.  It is perfect for when you want a massage at your office during your lunch break!  Your upper body (from your lower back all the way up to your neck), arms, neck, hands and head are all being worked on.

Facial Massage

Facial massage with lotion.  Relieves tension in face, jaw and temporal areas.  Relieves headaches and helps with TMJ.  Helps to clear sinuses.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a massage technique. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. This helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue. It may also promote healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Speak to your doctor before having a deep tissue massage if you:

have a history of blood clots or a clotting disorder
are taking blood thinners
have a bleeding disorder
have cancer or are undergoing cancer treatment

Swedish Massage

The most common type of massage is Swedish massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints. By relieving muscle tension, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing. And it may even help after an injury.


Reiki is best held in a peaceful setting, but it can be carried out anywhere. The patient will sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a table, fully clothed. There may or may not be music, depending on the patient’s preference. The practitioner places their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the head, limbs, and torso using different hand shapes, for between 2 and 5 minutes. The hands can be placed over 20 different areas of the body. If there is a particular injury, such as a burn, the hands may be held just above the wound. While the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body, the transfer of energy takes place. During this time, the practitioner’s hands may be warm and tingling. Each hand position is held until the practitioner senses that the energy has stopped flowing. When the practitioner feels that the heat, or energy, in their hands has abated, they will remove their hands and may place them over a different area of the body. 

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy)

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping you release patterns of the past for good.

Feelings and sensations are stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain. Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment or self-limiting beliefs can become “stuck” (or suppressed) in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital life force at a cellular level. These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or dis-ease.

IET uses a unique Cellular Memory Map® to target specific areas in the body where these “cellular memories” are stored, helping to release them on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As these blocks are cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates and your energy field is re-balanced. The more your energy body opens and vital life force can flow freely through it, the closer you move to a natural state of being: pure joy.

How IET Can Be Used

Increase your sense of well-being, life purpose, happiness, creativity, health and prosperity

Painlessly identify and release your deeply suppressed feelings and your core cellular memories

Have more fulfilling, loving relationships in all areas of your life

Discover and live your Soul’s mission in life

Support your self-healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

Provide gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families

Increase your connection to the loving and nurturing spirit of the Divine

Remove limitations so that you are empowered to live your best life

Release the Trauma Without the Drama
One of the benefits of IET is an opportunity for you to be free of the story that you tell yourself and others about your life and the world that you live in. The stories that we maintain often create dynamics in life where it is as if you are functioning under a spell. The vibrations of particular energy blocks maintain old ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations that then radiate out and attract situations energetically to us that will “prove” that these old stories are still true today. These “new” situations have the same vibration of the old ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations and the story is then strengthened by being verified. Now being even more committed to the truth of our stories, we vibrate more of the same, attract more of the same, and a cycle of dysfunction persists and the “spell” is cast.

When we share our stories with others, we use words to convey the intricate patterns and design of our particular experience. The words that we choose have the unique function of conveying to the world the power and conviction that we feel for what our story means to us. Words, along with the old ideas, beliefs, and feelings, can then carry a specific “charge” with them. IET can work at the level of cause where the initial trauma was introduced without using words that can threaten or trigger the old sensations or emotions. This also helps to avoid unnecessary confusion or confrontation that can occur when trying to navigate through a story by using words. By releasing the trauma without the drama, IET supports you in moving away from your story and into the truth: breaking the spell.

Going back to the principles of Quantum Physics, we know that everything is comprised of energy. Each component of the “spell” can be addressed energetically: transforming the vibration of the stuck ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations from a level of dysfunction to one of true freedom or love. When the spell is broken, then we can vibrationally attract situations into our lives that radiate our inherent goodness and magnificence.

Re-Balance Your Energy
Whether your energy is depleted or over-stimulated, IET can effectively re-balance your energy body.

Working at home or in an office, for yourself or for others, constant demands and responsibilities can lead to burnout or exhaustion. IET helps to reignite the passion, creativity, and sense of purpose that helps us thrive.

Those of us who work with a high degree of public contact, such as Therapists, Nurses, Sales People, Teachers, Social Workers, or Body Workers, can sometimes accumulate “static” from being over-stimulated by the energies of the people we interact with. IET can help to dissipate this sense of overwhelm and bring us back in alignment with our own sense of Self.

People who work with Technology can be sensitive to the energy of the electricity of the equipment and systems that they work with and experience an accumulation of energy that feels much like an electrical current, anxiety, or a jittery feeling. IET can help to ground and discharge this energy imbalance.

Your energy body directly impacts the quality of your life. Maintenance and support of your energy body is maintenance and support of your best life!

The Next Level of Energy Therapy
IET is the next level of energy therapies that uses a higher vibrational energy than traditional forms. IET supports you in safely and gently releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helps you to realize your dreams as you evolve into your future.

How Energy Therapies Work
Current research reveals that electromagnetic forces are the foundation of all life. Scientists are now proving what many Eastern medicine traditions have known for thousands of years—that our bodies not only contain “physical systems” (such as our circulatory or lymphatic systems), they are also made up of “energetic systems” that play a critical role in our health and well-being. Energy flows along prescribed pathways through our bodies much like blood moves through arteries. These pathways are recognized and actively used today in many alternative and preventive health care practices to balance and clear blockages in our energy systems: blockages that impact the way we feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

How Integrated Energy Works
In physical terms, health represents a condition of systems that are in perfect balance and flow: there are no constrictions, impediments, or blocks. In emotional or mental terms, health is the experience of truth, joy, and love: an expansive state of pure possibility and potential.

All things are made of energy. Everything has a vibrational pattern, and these patterns can be changed. An energy block occurs when a naturally balanced energy system is flooded with negativity, trauma, distress, or fear—lowering the vibration of the energy body. By directing Integrated Energy into the energy system, the energetic imprint of a dysfunction or illness can be re-balanced—raising the vibration of the energy body and restoring the energy system back to its natural state of health and harmony.





Chair Massage$20 / 15 minutes
Chair Massage$40 / 30 minutes
Cold Stone Facial Massage$50 / 30 minutes
Deep Tissue Massage$60 / 30 minutes
Deep Tissue Massage$120 / 60 minutes
Facial Massage$40 / 30 minutes
Hand and Foot Scrub and Massage$50.00 / 30 minutes
Himalyan Salt Stone Massage$70.00 / 30 minutes
Himalyan Salt Stone Massage$140 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$120 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$60.00 / 30 minutes
Integrated Energy Therapy$90 / 60 minutes
Peppermint Scalp Massage$40.00 / 30 minutes
Reiki$50 / 30 minutes
Reiki$90 / 60 minutes
Swedish Massage$40 / 30 minutes
Swedish Massage$120 / 90 minutes
Swedish Massage$80 / 60 minutes